Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Fruit of Khmer (Cambodia)

Individuals who consume foods grown from the ground as a feature
 of a general sound eating regimen by and large have a lessened danger
 of numerous ceaseless infections.

Vegetables are paramount wellsprings of numerous supplements,
 including potassium, fiber, folate (folic corrosive) and vitamins An,
 E and C. Alternatives like broccoli, spinach, tomatoes and garlic
 give extra advantages!

Potassium may help to keep up solid pulse. Dietary fiber from vegetables helps decrease blood cholesterol levels and may lower danger of coronary illness.

Folate (folic corrosive) helps the body structure sound red platelets. Ladies of childbearing age who may get to be pregnant and those in the first trimester of pregnancy need sufficient folate to decrease the danger of neural tube deformities and spina bifida amid fetal improvement.
for more fruit please see this video.........let enjoy!
Khmer(Cambodia) Fruits

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