Monday, November 17, 2014


Toward the beginning of today I was glad to find a feature that discussed my designing school. The understudies from office GEE, of ITC (Institut de Technologie du Cambodge) demonstrate their initial two robots.

That is the uncommon occasion. We all ought to be pleased with them. These two robots were made 100% in Cambodia, beginning from the outline, manufacture and programming. That is something truly cool to realize this uplifting news.

Thank to every one of those instructors who help to show and backing the understudies in this undertaking. Thank to Tetra Sam, manager of MEES (Medical Equipment & Electro-Technical Service) who gave budgetary backing to this venture.

I know we all are old understudies from ITC. I trust we will gain from your story and find the best approach to backing back our foundation.

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